Farewell to the PS3 Part 1 (07-08)

November 17th, 2006 – The PS3 was launched in North America

At this time there were only two models available, the 20GB and the 60GB version. Costing $499 and $599 respectively. These launch prices are infamous among gamers.

Less than a year later. In the summer of 2007, Sony launches the 80GB PS3, bundling it with Motorstorm. Having wanted one for a while, and acting on rumors that MGS4 was in the pipelines, I picked mine up in August of 2007. I rushed (well, tried to rush, this thing weighed a ton) home and eagerly hooked it up. My joy was slightly dampened by the fact that we still had a tube TV, but I was able to ignore that in the heat of the moment. I had finally gotten my PS3! 

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